Configuring TC redundancy parameter?
chris -
2013-05-03 21:09:55 UTC
Hello all,

I'm running olsrd v 0.6.1 on openwrt. I set TcRedundancy=0 in the
olsr.conf.base and got a message like: "Sorry, tc-redundancy 0/1 are not
working on 0.5.6. It was discovred late in the stable tree development and
cannot bes olved without a difficult change in the dijkstra code ... ".
Then olsrd exited. I notice that TcRedundancy=2 works. Also, if
TcRedundancy is unspecified, olsrd starts with no problem.

Has this been fixed in the latest version or are there plans to fix it?
Also, could someone point me to the relevant route calculation section of
the code of the code?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Chris Patton
Saverio Proto
2013-05-03 22:46:46 UTC

i Cc: olsrd-dev mailing list

Post by chris -
Hello all,
I'm running olsrd v 0.6.1 on openwrt. I set TcRedundancy=0 in the
olsr.conf.base and got a message like: "Sorry, tc-redundancy 0/1 are not
working on 0.5.6. It was discovred late in the stable tree development and
cannot bes olved without a difficult change in the dijkstra code ... ". Then
olsrd exited. I notice that TcRedundancy=2 works. Also, if TcRedundancy is
unspecified, olsrd starts with no problem.
Has this been fixed in the latest version or are there plans to fix it?
Also, could someone point me to the relevant route calculation section of
the code of the code?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Chris Patton
Olsr-users mailing list
Olsr-users mailing list
Henning Rogge
2013-05-06 06:33:35 UTC
Post by Saverio Proto
i Cc: olsrd-dev mailing list
Post by chris -
Hello all,
I'm running olsrd v 0.6.1 on openwrt. I set TcRedundancy=0 in the
olsr.conf.base and got a message like: "Sorry, tc-redundancy 0/1 are not
working on 0.5.6. It was discovred late in the stable tree development and
cannot bes olved without a difficult change in the dijkstra code ... ". Then
olsrd exited. I notice that TcRedundancy=2 works. Also, if TcRedundancy is
unspecified, olsrd starts with no problem.
Yes, TCRedundancy's default is 2. That is the only combination that
works in all cases in OLSRv1.
Post by Saverio Proto
Post by chris -
Has this been fixed in the latest version or are there plans to fix it?

It will be fixed in OLSRv2, but nobody has spent effort to do it in our
OLSRv1 codebase.
Post by Saverio Proto
Post by chris -
Also, could someone point me to the relevant route calculation section of
the code of the code?
Its even more, to solve this in all cases you need
a) a link based (instead of neighbor based) 2-hop database
b) a well working MPR algorithm
c) some adaptions in the Dijkstra algorithm.

Not sure it is worth the effort.

Henning Rogge
Diplom-Informatiker Henning Rogge , Fraunhofer-Institut für
Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie FKIE
Kommunikationssysteme (KOM)
Fraunhofer Straße 20, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany
Telefon +49 228 9435-961, Fax +49 228 9435 685
mailto:***@fkie.fraunhofer.de http://www.fkie.fraunhofer.de
Henning Rogge
2013-05-07 05:22:45 UTC
Thanks very much for your reply. My thought is that using solely the MPR
set may increase reliability in our particular routing scenario, however
it would be too much work to test. It may make a good project, though.
There are two reasons why MPRs make networks unreliable with the current

The first one is that the ETX metric tends to go up and down on all
links except the ones with no packet loss at all (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_trial). This means even a totally
stable network will give you some fluctiations because you can only
measure packet loss, not the loss-probability itself.

The second one is that the current MPR algorithm is a pure greedy
algorithm, which doesn't care about the former MPR set. This means there
are situations where it will constantly switch MPR settings because of
metric fluctuations. Which will result in a more instable flooding of
control traffic.

Henning Rogge
Diplom-Informatiker Henning Rogge , Fraunhofer-Institut für
Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie FKIE
Kommunikationssysteme (KOM)
Fraunhofer Straße 20, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany
Telefon +49 228 9435-961, Fax +49 228 9435 685
mailto:***@fkie.fraunhofer.de http://www.fkie.fraunhofer.de
chris -
2013-05-07 23:44:48 UTC

The second one is that the current MPR algorithm is a pure greedy
Post by Henning Rogge
algorithm, which doesn't care about the former MPR set. This means there
are situations where it will constantly switch MPR settings because of
metric fluctuations. Which will result in
a more instable flooding of control traffic.

This actually explains a lot. A couple questions:

(1) We were thinking it would be reasonable in our network to use only
signal level in path length calculations. Our main problem is that
fewer-hop paths are preferred, even if they use a weak,
geographically-separated link. This results in enormous losses for us. Is
this tunable or does it require a rewrite? I've notice that ETX has become
the default link-sensing metric.

(2) Perhaps to stabilize the MPR selection, it would suffice to calculate
link quality over a longer period of time. As most of our nodes aren't
mobile and are always up, this would make sense. What do you think?

Thanks for your help!

Chris Patton
Saverio Proto
2013-05-08 07:29:18 UTC
Post by chris -
(1) We were thinking it would be reasonable in our network to use only
signal level in path length calculations. Our main problem is that fewer-hop
paths are preferred, even if they use a weak, geographically-separated link.
This results in enormous losses for us. Is this tunable or does it require a
rewrite? I've notice that ETX has become the default link-sensing metric.
we have similar problems in Ninux

we use:
LinkQualityAlgorithm "etx_float" (instead of etx_ff)
LinkQualityAging 0.02 (that is used only with etx_float)

and then on the weak geographically-separated link we configure

LinkQualityMult 0.3

Olsr-users mailing list
chris -
2013-05-09 01:36:49 UTC
Saverio, that's helpful advice. I also was able to look up how these two
algorithms work. One thing: is there a parameter for hop cost?

Post by chris -
Post by chris -
(1) We were thinking it would be reasonable in our network to use only
signal level in path length calculations. Our main problem is that
Post by chris -
paths are preferred, even if they use a weak, geographically-separated
Post by chris -
This results in enormous losses for us. Is this tunable or does it
require a
Post by chris -
rewrite? I've notice that ETX has become the default link-sensing metric.
we have similar problems in Ninux
LinkQualityAlgorithm "etx_float" (instead of etx_ff)
LinkQualityAging 0.02 (that is used only with etx_float)
and then on the weak geographically-separated link we configure
LinkQualityMult 0.3
Saverio Proto
2013-05-09 18:45:54 UTC
Post by chris -
Saverio, that's helpful advice. I also was able to look up how these two
algorithms work. One thing: is there a parameter for hop cost?
do you mean a parameter to have a static hop cost between two nodes
regardless of any ETX statistic ?

I wish we had it instead of LinkQualityMult ! We actually started some
experimental work at ninux but it is not trivial at all to implement
it :)

Olsr-users mailing list
Henning Rogge
2013-05-09 19:02:29 UTC
Maybe we should talk about "Metric Postprocessing" on the WCW in Berlin...

an optional layer to modify metric values before they are pushed into
TCs and Hellos.

Post by Saverio Proto
Post by chris -
Saverio, that's helpful advice. I also was able to look up how these two
algorithms work. One thing: is there a parameter for hop cost?
do you mean a parameter to have a static hop cost between two nodes
regardless of any ETX statistic ?
I wish we had it instead of LinkQualityMult ! We actually started some
experimental work at ninux but it is not trivial at all to implement
it :)
Olsr-dev mailing list
We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingured
long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to
set sail for the stars - Carl Sagan
Olsr-users mailing list
chris -
2013-05-09 19:33:11 UTC
Is that a conference? This seems like a good application for machine
learning :)

I've been thinking about OLSR a lot for the last couple months. I just got
accepted into a Masters program and am thinking for ideas for a project. I
would certainly like to keep up with peoples' experiences with olsrd and
mesh networking in general. Any pointers for me?

Post by Henning Rogge
Maybe we should talk about "Metric Postprocessing" on the WCW in Berlin...
an optional layer to modify metric values before they are pushed into
TCs and Hellos.
Post by Saverio Proto
Post by chris -
Saverio, that's helpful advice. I also was able to look up how these two
algorithms work. One thing: is there a parameter for hop cost?
do you mean a parameter to have a static hop cost between two nodes
regardless of any ETX statistic ?
I wish we had it instead of LinkQualityMult ! We actually started some
experimental work at ninux but it is not trivial at all to implement
it :)
Olsr-dev mailing list
We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingured
long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to
set sail for the stars - Carl Sagan
Henning Rogge
2013-05-09 19:42:40 UTC
Post by chris -
Is that a conference? This seems like a good application for machine
learning :)
Post by chris -
I've been thinking about OLSR a lot for the last couple months. I just got
accepted into a Masters program and am thinking for ideas for a project. I
would certainly like to keep up with peoples' experiences with olsrd and
mesh networking in general. Any pointers for me?
Most of the "large changes" will happen in the OLSRv2 software in the
future I think... noone wants to change the OLSRv1 code that much


We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingured
long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to
set sail for the stars - Carl Sagan
Olsr-users mailing list
chris -
2013-05-09 19:48:10 UTC
Thanks for the tip. It's a shame it's so close, I would have loved an
excuse to plan a trip to my favourite city.
Post by Henning Rogge
Post by chris -
Is that a conference? This seems like a good application for machine
learning :)
Post by chris -
I've been thinking about OLSR a lot for the last couple months. I just
Post by chris -
accepted into a Masters program and am thinking for ideas for a project.
Post by chris -
would certainly like to keep up with peoples' experiences with olsrd and
mesh networking in general. Any pointers for me?
Most of the "large changes" will happen in the OLSRv2 software in the
future I think... noone wants to change the OLSRv1 code that much
We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingured
long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to
set sail for the stars - Carl Sagan
Jeremy Lakeman
2013-05-09 23:02:07 UTC
So how is this mythical, solves world peace, OLSRv2 shaping up?
Post by Henning Rogge
Post by chris -
Is that a conference? This seems like a good application for machine
learning :)
Post by chris -
I've been thinking about OLSR a lot for the last couple months. I just
Post by chris -
accepted into a Masters program and am thinking for ideas for a project.
Post by chris -
would certainly like to keep up with peoples' experiences with olsrd and
mesh networking in general. Any pointers for me?
Most of the "large changes" will happen in the OLSRv2 software in the
future I think... noone wants to change the OLSRv1 code that much
We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingured
long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to
set sail for the stars - Carl Sagan
Olsr-dev mailing list
Henning Rogge
2013-05-10 05:32:06 UTC
I think you will hear a status update about it in the next 2-3 days... ;)

Henning Rogge

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 1:02 AM, Jeremy Lakeman
Post by Jeremy Lakeman
So how is this mythical, solves world peace, OLSRv2 shaping up?
Post by Henning Rogge
Post by chris -
Is that a conference? This seems like a good application for machine
learning :)
Post by chris -
I've been thinking about OLSR a lot for the last couple months. I just got
accepted into a Masters program and am thinking for ideas for a project. I
would certainly like to keep up with peoples' experiences with olsrd and
mesh networking in general. Any pointers for me?
Most of the "large changes" will happen in the OLSRv2 software in the
future I think... noone wants to change the OLSRv1 code that much
We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingured
long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to
set sail for the stars - Carl Sagan
Olsr-dev mailing list
We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingured
long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to
set sail for the stars - Carl Sagan
Olsr-users mailing list
chris -
2013-05-09 19:38:47 UTC
Yes, that's what I mean. It's a shame it's not available.
Post by Saverio Proto
Post by chris -
Saverio, that's helpful advice. I also was able to look up how these two
algorithms work. One thing: is there a parameter for hop cost?
do you mean a parameter to have a static hop cost between two nodes
regardless of any ETX statistic ?
I wish we had it instead of LinkQualityMult ! We actually started some
experimental work at ninux but it is not trivial at all to implement
it :)
chris -
2013-05-09 19:43:14 UTC
Sorry about all the reposts. A question: where can I find a detailed
description of the link state calculation performed by OLSR?
Post by chris -
Yes, that's what I mean. It's a shame it's not available.
Post by Saverio Proto
Post by chris -
Saverio, that's helpful advice. I also was able to look up how these two
algorithms work. One thing: is there a parameter for hop cost?
do you mean a parameter to have a static hop cost between two nodes
regardless of any ETX statistic ?
I wish we had it instead of LinkQualityMult ! We actually started some
experimental work at ninux but it is not trivial at all to implement
it :)
Saverio Proto
2013-05-09 20:17:12 UTC
Post by Saverio Proto
do you mean a parameter to have a static hop cost between two nodes
regardless of any ETX statistic ?
I wish we had it instead of LinkQualityMult ! We actually started some
experimental work at ninux but it is not trivial at all to implement
it :)
please look at this branch:

there is a new parameter LinkLossFixed

there is for sure a lot of bugs still to fix :)

ciao :)

Olsr-users mailing list
chris -
2013-05-09 20:37:30 UTC
Post by Saverio Proto
Post by Saverio Proto
do you mean a parameter to have a static hop cost between two nodes
regardless of any ETX statistic ?
I wish we had it instead of LinkQualityMult ! We actually started some
experimental work at ninux but it is not trivial at all to implement
it :)
there is a new parameter LinkLossFixed
there is for sure a lot of bugs still to fix :)
ciao :)
Michel Blais
2013-05-08 13:02:59 UTC
Hi Chris,

For link that will often have lost or that we want to use as backup, we
use LinkQualityMult to make the cost of the link higher.
Post by chris -
The second one is that the current MPR algorithm is a pure greedy
algorithm, which doesn't care about the former MPR set. This means
there are situations where it will constantly switch MPR settings
because of metric fluctuations. Which will result in
a more instable flooding of control traffic.
(1) We were thinking it would be reasonable in our network to use only
signal level in path length calculations. Our main problem is that
fewer-hop paths are preferred, even if they use a weak,
geographically-separated link. This results in enormous losses for us.
Is this tunable or does it require a rewrite? I've notice that ETX has
become the default link-sensing metric.
(2) Perhaps to stabilize the MPR selection, it would suffice to
calculate link quality over a longer period of time. As most of our
nodes aren't mobile and are always up, this would make sense. What do
you think?
Thanks for your help!
Chris Patton
Cordialement / Best regards

Michel Blais
Administrateur réseau / Network administrator
Targo Communications