Configuring two nodes directly (without a gateway) - OLSR.
Shyam B
2013-09-05 11:36:27 UTC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shyam B <***@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 3:33 PM
Subject: Configuring two nodes directly (without a gateway) - OLSR
To: olsr-***@lists.olsr.org

Hi Al,

I am configuring *multiple RaspberryPI's* as nodes in a mesh network. I
don't plan to use routers as gateway. Having installed OLSR on these nodes
(currently two to begin with), I am unable to communicate between them.
The configuration was working with the routers.

*What I did*

Exactly same setup on the two nodes:
Ad-Hoc mode, Channel 10 with same ESSID.
Tried to change hna, Ip4Broadcast to the same subnetwork as well. Nothing

The iwconfig screenshot and olsrd.conf file attached. I have spent multiple
hours trying to get it to work!!

It would be of real help if someone can point out if communication between
two raw nodes is selected. If not why not, and what do I have to do to make
this setup work. Eagerly looking forward!
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Henning Rogge
2013-09-05 11:42:46 UTC

do you have already checked that you have direct IP connectivity? Can
you ping the other node over the network?

If you only have two nodes, ping will work with or without OLSR, because
you can only communicate with 1-hop neighbors without routing protocol.

If you cannot ping the other node, then you have trouble on layer-2
(wifi) or with your interface configuration.

Henning Rogge
Post by Shyam B
Hi Al,
I am configuring _multiple RaspberryPI's_ as nodes in a mesh network. I
don't plan to use routers as gateway. Having installed OLSR on these
nodes (currently two to begin with), I am unable to communicate between
The configuration was working with the routers.
_What I did_
Ad-Hoc mode, Channel 10 with same ESSID.
Tried to change hna, Ip4Broadcast to the same subnetwork as well.
Nothing works!
The iwconfig screenshot and olsrd.conf file attached. I have spent
multiple hours trying to get it to work!!
It would be of real help if someone can point out if communication
between two raw nodes is selected. If not why not, and what do I have to
do to make this setup work. Eagerly looking forward!
Henning Rogge
Diplom-Informatiker Henning Rogge , Fraunhofer-Institut für
Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie FKIE
Kommunikationssysteme (KOM)
Fraunhofer Straße 20, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany
Telefon +49 228 9435-961, Fax +49 228 9435 685
mailto:***@fkie.fraunhofer.de http://www.fkie.fraunhofer.de