PKI in ns2
Supas Jampathong
2012-08-13 14:05:09 UTC
Dear Olsr-user

in my special problem, i have to analyze performance between non secure
olsr , olsr with PKI and hybrid secure olsr (PKI + Symmetric cryptography).

i'm newbie for ns2 and olsr so i don't sure is it possible to use ns2 to
simulate PKI for olsr ?

Thank you

supas jampathong
Henning Rogge
2012-08-13 14:22:14 UTC
This mailing list is about the olsr.org implementation of Olsr, not
about NS-2 and its own OLSR implementation.

I suggest you ask on a NS-2 list.

Henning Rogge
Post by Supas Jampathong
Dear Olsr-user
in my special problem, i have to analyze performance between non secure olsr
, olsr with PKI and hybrid secure olsr (PKI + Symmetric cryptography).
i'm newbie for ns2 and olsr so i don't sure is it possible to use ns2 to
simulate PKI for olsr ?
Thank you
supas jampathong
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billions of percent in a tiny fraction of a second. Of course, that
was before the present government."
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