[announce] olsrd released & release-0.6.4 branch EOL
Ferry Huberts
2013-05-16 17:17:06 UTC
Hello olsrd users/developers,

Henning has just released olsrd, see http://www.olsr.org/?q=download

It contains an important buffer overflow fix for the txtinfo plugin and
all users are strongly advised to upgrade.

This marks the end-of-life for the release-0.6.4 branch.
It has been removed from the repository and users are strongly urged to
move to a newer version. -------------------------------------------------------------------
main: add release script
release: move the stringTrim function up a bit
release: make gitIsGitDirectory do the correct thing
release: fix usage of literal dot in regular expressions
release: move into the base directory earlier
release: convert some code into checkIsOlsrdGitCheckout function
release: convert some code into checkGitSigningKeyIsConfigured function
release: convert some code into getPrevRelTag function
release: the script can now also create a release branch
release: use olsrd-version prefix for files in the tarballs
Remove mercurial ignore file; we use git
build: ignore builddata.c when hashing sources
release: fix the list of generated files
release: update some comments
release: refactor the checkVersionIncrementing function
release: do not update the version on master when it's already higher
release: only report that master changed when it was actually changed
release: checkVersionIncrementing: optionally allow equal versions
release: also check against the Makefile version when branching
txtinfo: prevent buffer overflow
Fix multicast join for IPv6
Release v0.6.4.1
Ferry Huberts
Olsr-users mailing list