Hi Henning and Vignesh!
Interesting and encouraging to read that dlep-app is undergoing revision
and rejuvenation!
I must admit to having been quietly admiring the version residing at the
URLs below, with the hope of trying it out on a platform like Commotion
packaged into Confine)
http://olsr.org/git/?p=dlep_app.git;a=tree (the current repo?)
In lieu of a new dlep-04 implementation, would you recommend I simply hold
entirely, or go ahead and try out the existing implementation for simple
evaluation purposes (even tho it is now out of sync with the draft)? That
is, provided I don't attempt to develop tools that depend on the existing
implementation, then swapping out dlep-app for the new version shouldn't be
too difficult, right?
Thank you.
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:25 AM, Henning Rogge <
Post by Vigneswaran RPost by Vigneswaran RHello,
Just curious to know about dlep-app
as it seems to be a
preliminary working version of DLEP (yet to try).
1. What version of dlep-draft is being used as the basis for dlep-app?
Unfortunately none.
When I started implementing our DLEP, the DLEP draft was in a really bad
shape and to vague to implement it. So we implemented a private version of
the concept.
2. What custom changes make it not inter-operable with the existing
Post by Vigneswaran Rdrafts? (please point me to the documents or white paper, if any)
At the moment our implementation is completely non-inter-operable.
There has been a new dlep-draft a couple of weeks ago (dlep-04), which
seems to be stable enough to be implemented, so we plan to do a complete
rewrite based on the draft in the next months.
If you are interested in the project, I would like to hear your thoughts
on how to rewrite the src/olsr_layer2.c and src/olsr_layer2.h code. After
working with this code for some time, I feel it might be too difficult to
We also would be happy to see more people participating in the DLEP
discussion on the IETF Manet mailing list!
Henning Rogge
Diplom-Informatiker Henning Rogge , Fraunhofer-Institut für
Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie FKIE
Kommunikationssysteme (KOM)
Fraunhofer Straße 20, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany
Telefon +49 228 9435-961, Fax +49 228 9435 685
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Ben West